Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Purdue begs for Bulldog Vote

While my political views are far from unbiased especially, when it comes to the Govenor race in Georgia. You need only have wittnessed my "No Way" response to the 2 or 3 dozen volunteers handing out Bulldog's for Sonny stickers before the Colorado game to know where my loyalty lies. And the fact that Perdue takes every opportunity to remind everyone that he in fact once played for the Bulldogs is nothing new. Even though as big a deal as he tries to make it you'd think he was an All-American not the walk on he actually was. Despite all this I was still a little surprised to see the article on the front page of the AJC.com today about Perdue's apparent letter of protest against AJC for their Sunday headline belittling the Bulldogs. Personally I didn't read the Sunday paper. To fresh was the memory of what happened Saturday night that in my state of denial I attempted to block out the memory of the night before and the nightmare of what happened to my Bulldogs. However, the fact that the AJC chose to run a not so nice headline about the total and complete collapse of the UGA football team in the second half really shouldn't surprise anyone, since that's what happened. Our good Governor however saw the headline as such a crime against not just the University of Georgia, but the entire state of Georgia that it warranted a written reprimand. I personally wonder if the letter of protest came escorted by a group of Ben Franklin's in protest, and for the face time it provided the good Govenor. Anyone who can't see Govenor Perdue's letter of protest as anything more than blatant pandering for votes is not doubt of the same crowd that believes that Mark Taylor is in fact doomed to Hell, because he is not a Republican. To such people all I can say is I worked for Gov. Perdue for over 3 years and in that time I received an unpleasant kick to the balls for all my hard work on an annual basis even when the economy improved. So forgive me if I'm not willing to give the good Govenor 4 more years to kick his employees in the balls.

Come on its just a kick in the balls. How bad could it really hurt?


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